Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers.
GREAT IDEA! Check out all of the What Are You Reading? participants for title ideas.
Read Last Week (so #bookaday never really happened ... came close some weeks and over others ... but I think it's gone for good until next year)
I didn't love The Wig in the Window like some people. Liked it but didn't LOVE it. Too many unfunny throw away lines.
DID love Every Day After. If you like historical fic it's a must read.
Necromancing the Stone is just funny. The chapter headings from song lyrics are classics.
Tooth & Nail made me want Fire & Ash that much more. Of course it comes out the second day of school. #rottentiming
Lunch Lady #9 was not my favorite. It's still a must get if you have fans of the rest of the series. But it wasn't as funny.
With school this close I seriously need to finish Note & Notice. No excuse for how none of my professional reading happened this summer. FUN LIGHT reading happened. But not the professional books I'd planned on.
Still have these checked out from the library. And Eleanor & Park isn't there yet. Just got it today when I returned some books. And all the ARCs. Plus I'm in the middle of listening to Beautiful Darkness.
"nicely lit iPhone photo"
And I just have to say ... our library is still a mess. When you have to get your own retired dad in there to help because you can't quite deal with student parents when you yourself are not exactly sure how to FIX THE ROYAL MESS "RENOVATIONS" MADE ... well. Add that to the mess that is always there when we come back from summer because we're in such a central location the custodians and office leave all sorts of crud on top of the bookshelves until they freak out during the hours before meet the teacher and finally do something with the crud ... I'm just sayin'. No "library classroom reveal" photos here. Thanks for stopping by but you can now move along.
Does that sound passive aggressive? A little.
On a HAPPIER NOTE ... sometime tonight or early tomorrow morning my little nephew Oliver will come into the world. Good luck, Sis! You're amazing! Good luck Mom dealing with little sisters nervous about why THEIR mom & dad aren't around. And to my S-i-L who is also expecting any day now ... little Oakley's turn will come.

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