I like fonts and clip art. A lot. Still learning how to embed the thumbnail but these are some VERY quick bookmarks I made the other day. Thanks to Scrappin Doodles for the clip art (see the license in my sidebar). Rest assured (I hope!) the quality will improve over time. ;]
Wintery-Type Bookmarks
PS Only print the first page. The second page is blank but I'd already made the pdf. :/
Friday, December 30, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Stuff to Do
So, for a while now I've noticed a slight ... I don't want to call it a problem, because it's not really. Just noticed that kiddos are not always using their time in the library to the best advantage. If they were talking about books I'd be all for it. But they've gotten a little careless. Especially the ones that forgot to bring their books back!
Enter my friend, the mistress of all things Library Centers.
Taken me a while to wrap my head around it. And I've tried a few before now with some success and some not. Going to ask for more support from teachers ... explain it a little better to them and they'll be more likely to encourage their kids to participate! They're all tired of the same "freebie" books and magazines that we have for the ones who can't check out. They're tired of them and I'm tired of them!
But come January we are pulling out the stops. It's not as organized as I would have liked it to be, but if I wait until then I could be waiting for a very long time! Start with something and improve it as we go along.
Several of the ones we'll start out with I got off of TPT and the blog world. I should have kept better track of some of the ones from the blog world. I just saved copies in Google Docs. Ooops. Most of them were discovered via Pinterest. If anyone needs an invite just let me know! Lots of great teaching ideas on there (as well as other things to distract you ... recipes, decorating ideas, funny stuff ... just go into it saying "I have 20 minutes to play on Pinterest right now and NO MORE" and you'll be OK!).
Top 10 ListsI thought I'd print out a few of these on the poster printer and let the older kids have at it. Very curious to see what they'll come up with!
That same seller has some great creative thinking and analogy pages that I've laminated and picked up some super fun dry erase CRAYONS to use and reuse. Oh, have I mentioned on here how much I love the new home laminator I got on an Amazon lightning deal? Our laminator at school is ALWAYS BREAKING.
Writing Task Cards ... I love these. Still haven't figured out how to deal with the time issue ... some of the prompts will obviously take longer than others.
Some rhyming and ABC order things I found on blogs. Sorry. No links. Bad teacher librarian.
I totally want to get some of these Doodle books that I saw in B&N the other day. Not in the budget immediately but I hope to get some as soon as I can. They are not "just" about drawing ... some great creativity and thinking outside the box possibilities.
Oh, and some book puzzles.
And I just looked for something CC licensed on Flickr so that there would be an image on this post. Couldn't find anything I liked. Let's make that Resolution #3. Work on images to enhance posts with my pretty new blog design!
Enter my friend, the mistress of all things Library Centers.
Taken me a while to wrap my head around it. And I've tried a few before now with some success and some not. Going to ask for more support from teachers ... explain it a little better to them and they'll be more likely to encourage their kids to participate! They're all tired of the same "freebie" books and magazines that we have for the ones who can't check out. They're tired of them and I'm tired of them!
But come January we are pulling out the stops. It's not as organized as I would have liked it to be, but if I wait until then I could be waiting for a very long time! Start with something and improve it as we go along.
Several of the ones we'll start out with I got off of TPT and the blog world. I should have kept better track of some of the ones from the blog world. I just saved copies in Google Docs. Ooops. Most of them were discovered via Pinterest. If anyone needs an invite just let me know! Lots of great teaching ideas on there (as well as other things to distract you ... recipes, decorating ideas, funny stuff ... just go into it saying "I have 20 minutes to play on Pinterest right now and NO MORE" and you'll be OK!).
Top 10 ListsI thought I'd print out a few of these on the poster printer and let the older kids have at it. Very curious to see what they'll come up with!
That same seller has some great creative thinking and analogy pages that I've laminated and picked up some super fun dry erase CRAYONS to use and reuse. Oh, have I mentioned on here how much I love the new home laminator I got on an Amazon lightning deal? Our laminator at school is ALWAYS BREAKING.
Writing Task Cards ... I love these. Still haven't figured out how to deal with the time issue ... some of the prompts will obviously take longer than others.
Some rhyming and ABC order things I found on blogs. Sorry. No links. Bad teacher librarian.
I totally want to get some of these Doodle books that I saw in B&N the other day. Not in the budget immediately but I hope to get some as soon as I can. They are not "just" about drawing ... some great creativity and thinking outside the box possibilities.
Oh, and some book puzzles.
And I just looked for something CC licensed on Flickr so that there would be an image on this post. Couldn't find anything I liked. Let's make that Resolution #3. Work on images to enhance posts with my pretty new blog design!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
#2 Figure out a happy balance between getting to read all the stories/books that look interesting ... and taking the time to really enjoy them.
Today's Goodreads Quote said:
“In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you.” (Mortimer J. Adler)
Thought that was pretty ironic. Be more choosy, I guess? Sometimes I get caught up in wanting to know what all the fuss is about, or wanting to know about as many books as I can for school and the kids/teachers, and sometimes it's just because HEY IT LOOKS LIKE A GOOD BOOK. My Goodreads To Read list is almost ... what is it. About 950 books? Let's be realistic here. Some of them have been on that list for years. Just about every time I knock one or two or three off of the TO Read list I add another five or six. I currently have my holds maxed out at the public library ... and most of them are not even picture books. Plus I have about eight books from our school collection that need to get back into the hands of kids!
Quantity is not the same thing as quality. So ... this is not a great resolution because I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to measure any steps I might take. But that is my goal. :]
Today's Goodreads Quote said:
“In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you.” (Mortimer J. Adler)
Thought that was pretty ironic. Be more choosy, I guess? Sometimes I get caught up in wanting to know what all the fuss is about, or wanting to know about as many books as I can for school and the kids/teachers, and sometimes it's just because HEY IT LOOKS LIKE A GOOD BOOK. My Goodreads To Read list is almost ... what is it. About 950 books? Let's be realistic here. Some of them have been on that list for years. Just about every time I knock one or two or three off of the TO Read list I add another five or six. I currently have my holds maxed out at the public library ... and most of them are not even picture books. Plus I have about eight books from our school collection that need to get back into the hands of kids!
Quantity is not the same thing as quality. So ... this is not a great resolution because I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to measure any steps I might take. But that is my goal. :]

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Literary value ... three stars. Pictures and four-year-old niece who LOVES pink ... lots more stars. She approves heartily.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Pink mitten made this one a winner with my niece. Cute story about friends helping each other through thick and thin ... making a pair.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
So my niece did not approve of this one ... mostly because it was a BOY bunny. Pictures were darling ... just wasn't my most favorite story ever.
View all my reviews
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Picture Book Biographies

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Love the pictures and even learned a few new things about his life (like the name Mark Twain comes from riverboats testing the depth of the waters ahead).
I may come back and change this to a four. I just can't help but think the dialect ... while interesting and true to the style of many of Mark Twain's stories ... is going to be a stumbling block for many kiddos. I could be wrong ... but I know, for example, they get very confused with some of the anachronisms in Bubba, The Cowboy Prince. Even the older ones. So we'll see.
PERFECT as an easy intro to Mark Twain for older students.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Though I still do not understand the fascination with dinosaurs ... the kiddos at my school love them. This is a nicely accessible picture book biography to encourage casual readers. Not quite enough info for research ... but more than enough to pique curiosity to look further!

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Great description of his childhood as promised by the cover ... but not much more. Liked the illustrations.
And EGADS. Reading the author's note at the end? Trying to compete with Tesla and his AC current Thomas Edison electrocuted an elephant?
Wish I didn't know that. Before today I'd always thought of him as such a creative, hard-working innovator. Now I'm also going to remember that. :[

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Ben Franklin did many great things for our country. Didn't know he started from such humble beginnings or that he had so much ... family drama, shall we say?
Kid appropriate. Only thing I would say is that there is an awful lot of text for a "picture book biography." One of those cases where the teacher would say "no, that's not long enough for your report" but the younger kids would get lost in all the words.
Loved the quote around the portrait on the opening page ... "If you would not be forgotten, As soon as you are dead and rotten, Either write things worthy reading, Or do things worth the writing. B.F."

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Great storytelling and I loved the illustrations.
Though ... I've always been told the first "TV" broadcast was in the BY Academy in Provo--well, the tour guide told me that when we went through it back in my undergrad days when it was all falling apart (they've since remade the building into Provo's Public Library). This book made it sound like it was in CA. I wonder who was right?
Thought it was interesting that Philo didn't do much in the way of TV watching ... except for the landing on the moon. It didn't turn out exactly like he might have envisioned but he was right. The shared experience of watching a story is a fun way to bring people together.
View all my reviews
The Apothecary

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Oh, this was a good story! It was late and I should have gone to sleep but I didn't want to put it down last night. Finally conked out and finished it this morning.
Mostly fantasy (truly!) with a dash of some history thrown in. Solutions that will turn you invisible or into a bird or make you tell the truth. Parents accused of being Communist even through they were not. CAN'T wait for the next one. And now, of course, after finishing the book and reading the author's note I totally want to visit the Chelsea Physic Garden.
Only ... one thing that I will have to think about. Our public library had it in the juvenile section. And it mostly is ... only not to spoil anything but there is some romance in there. It's definitely secondary to the main plot ... but I'm still not sure. If I get it for our school collection I can guarantee third graders will be picking it up. Some when they shouldn't because they can't read it ... but some really could. It's seriously secondary so I can't believe I'm even wondering about it ... but could they understand the kissing? Ugh. Drives me nuts when other people nitpick about small things in a book. Here I am doing it myself.
View all my reviews
Monday, December 26, 2011
It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. It is a great way to recap what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and to plan out your reading and reviews for the upcoming week. It's also a great chance to see what others are reading right now…who knows, you might discover that next “must read” book!
Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts.
What I Read
Finished The Scorpio Races! Took me a while to get "in" to it but in the end it was awesome.
Finished Maphead. Still don't know what possessed me to pick that one because it is not my "usual" ... but I did enjoy it.
Picked up Survival at 40 Below. I really liked that one ... need to get it for our school collection ASAP!
Spent some time with my niece so I got in some picture books. Every Cowgirl Needs a Horse, A Firefly in a Fir Tree, and If You Give a Dog a Donut.
We did have two days of school ... with Kinder we enjoyed When Cows Come Home For Christmas.
This Week's Adventures
I am three-fourths of the way through Amelia Lost already, so I'll get that one done.
Still have most of my stack from the library from last week. Also some Netgalley titles AND a couple that I totally forgot I downloaded from B&N onto my Nook until they sent me a link asking me to review them.
Plus I am on my way to B&N this morning. Every year I go the day after Christmas because the calendars go on sale. Will I pick up some books, too? ;]
PS It has to be said again. I LOVE MY NEW BLOG DESIGN! My sister-in-law did it for me ... she is an excellent photographer but hadn't tried a lot of graphic stuff before but she did awesomely! I was watching her thinking "I don't know how to do that ... I WANT to know but I don't." Only ... shhh! Don't tell the people who might be attending my PD sessions in Jan/Feb. Will ruin the mystique. ;]
PS#2 For Christmas that same sister in law? She gave me a "I Like Big Books and I Cannot Lie" totebag. Cute! I should go take a picture of it. This post needs graphics. I need to figure out how people put book covers up and link them to their review post. I don't know how to do that, either.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Halt the Library Talk
for a moment and enjoy two of my favorite video clips. Different ... but both capture the meaning of the season. Later!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Book Trees
So like a gooberhead I was getting some recent pics off of my school camera card and realized I'd never deleted last year's tress ... and forgot to take pics of THIS years (yet--will do in January when we go back cause I didn't feel like it on our last day--how bad is that!).
Classes adopt some little trees and make ornaments in honor of a book. I need to do a better job of documenting these. I can tell ... one is Wimpy Kid, one is the Seven Habits, one is Dinos in the Snow, and for the life of me I have no idea what the other one is. These are some terrible photos. This year I know we had The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Gingerbread Boy, and The Giving Tree. Other years we've had Dr. Seuss, Trumpet of the Swan, and Bud Not Buddy.
Classes adopt some little trees and make ornaments in honor of a book. I need to do a better job of documenting these. I can tell ... one is Wimpy Kid, one is the Seven Habits, one is Dinos in the Snow, and for the life of me I have no idea what the other one is. These are some terrible photos. This year I know we had The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Gingerbread Boy, and The Giving Tree. Other years we've had Dr. Seuss, Trumpet of the Swan, and Bud Not Buddy.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Oh, I liked this one. The paintings are beautiful ... cool colors that almost help you to "hear" the quiet. Then interesting facts about the animals and the adaptations that help them to survive in this frigid climate. I need to order this one pronto! Even though it's cooled off some here in Texas ... anything that will help our kiddos understand places that are very different is a good thing. Might help inspire them to take better care of the planet.
View all my reviews
PS I might be the only one still blogging right now. That's what happens when you're stuck on the couch. Dumb back.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
WIsh List #3
Have I mentioned this was a fun idea? Yep. Not mine, though.
My kids know that Ms. O is a Star Wars crazy. Check these out.
I happen to know that 2nd grade is starting a "things in the night sky" unit in January.
And 3rd grade is starting a "rapid changes to the earth's surface" research project. AWESOME. This is not earth, it's Mustafar, but oh well. Same idea. ;]
Purely for Ms. O, this one is. But hey, I'd save lesson files on it!
OH! I WANT THIS. So ... this one is not even really for the library. No walls to hang it up on. (THERE! I did it again.) But ... $195 is the least expensive version. Sigh.
All images found on www.starwars.com.
My kids know that Ms. O is a Star Wars crazy. Check these out.
I happen to know that 2nd grade is starting a "things in the night sky" unit in January.
And 3rd grade is starting a "rapid changes to the earth's surface" research project. AWESOME. This is not earth, it's Mustafar, but oh well. Same idea. ;]
Purely for Ms. O, this one is. But hey, I'd save lesson files on it!
OH! I WANT THIS. So ... this one is not even really for the library. No walls to hang it up on. (THERE! I did it again.) But ... $195 is the least expensive version. Sigh.
All images found on www.starwars.com.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Wish List #2
Not so pretty furniture. Or, once upon a time it actually was a pretty cherry. But we never had enough $$$ to replace everything so right now it's a half-crocked mix of cherry and whitewash. And the cherry has not stood the test of time super well. :[
I've always loved Big Cozy Books Stuff. Would love to have enough space to have some of these ...
and maybe some of these ...
or walls to hang one of these. OOPS! I whined about walls again. :/
Now. It's time for another Tylenol (I messed up my back again. :[ CURSES on slacking off exercise!), maybe some reading, and maybe some planning. Will try last minute shopping tomorrow if I can walk like a not old lady.
I've always loved Big Cozy Books Stuff. Would love to have enough space to have some of these ...
and maybe some of these ...
or walls to hang one of these. OOPS! I whined about walls again. :/
Now. It's time for another Tylenol (I messed up my back again. :[ CURSES on slacking off exercise!), maybe some reading, and maybe some planning. Will try last minute shopping tomorrow if I can walk like a not old lady.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
For one as directionally challenged as myself I'm still not sure what possessed me to pick up this book. Perhaps, as the author suggests, I could spend more time with maps. My ability to think in terms of space would be enhanced and I would think to myself "I should go left here" when in fact I actually SHOULD go left instead of REALLY needing to go right. I love to see new places but always have to count on someone else to be the navigator.
Lots of fun facts in here. Didn't know that the Geography Bee was so intense. Didn't know that some of the original mapmakers were so ... inventive. Didn't know of the history of Google Maps (even though it is actually a very recent development). Didn't know geocaching was so cutthroat.
All in all a fascinating way to spend an afternoon stuck on the couch. Dumb back pain. :[ Cool book. ;]
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Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Our Gift of Giving Parade
So every year we hold a canned food drive for a local pantry. Kids bring in items and then they go around the school with the principal ringing bells and new grades joining the fray along the way. As our winning class brought in over 800 items you can see it's been a success (and we ARE a Title I school). This year we added a new element to the outside portion. My little brother playing his bagpipes. Thank you, Charlie!
Monday, December 19, 2011
#1 Learn how to create a new blog header. I should be able to do this. Hello, I am presenting at TCEA on some photo-editing sites. Only I have never done anything webpage related before. Have a feeling the creative side will be harder than the tech side. I am a PERFECTIONIST who is rarely satisfied with anything I make.
Wish List
So I'm totally stealing Lemme Library's idea. Just for fun because I am procrastinating the gym again. (Insert Slightly Disappointed in Myself Sad Face Here)
WALLS. There. I had to say it. The lack of walls and the three hundred people walking six feet away when I'm trying to read a story or go over a mini-lesson before a laptop or SMART board activity? OVER THAT.
But really ...
I will start with these two. Just began a morning Lego Club ... oh, about six weeks ago. We "free built" for the first month or so, then they had to build the letters "HH LIBRARY" for me. Pics taken and will eventually be posted. In January I think we'll start with some animal challenges ... build a bird (any bird ... our mascot is the hawk), a mammal, a reptile, etc. Then maybe some transportation. Thought about an Angry Birds ... what would you call that. Set? But not sure I want to be picking up Legos for three months afterward.
How fun would these be to build? And then display all prettily?
Had someone donate some Duplos. At first I was all like "What am I going to do with these?" But then I saw this on Pinterest and a new idea for January was born.
More later.
WALLS. There. I had to say it. The lack of walls and the three hundred people walking six feet away when I'm trying to read a story or go over a mini-lesson before a laptop or SMART board activity? OVER THAT.
But really ...
I will start with these two. Just began a morning Lego Club ... oh, about six weeks ago. We "free built" for the first month or so, then they had to build the letters "HH LIBRARY" for me. Pics taken and will eventually be posted. In January I think we'll start with some animal challenges ... build a bird (any bird ... our mascot is the hawk), a mammal, a reptile, etc. Then maybe some transportation. Thought about an Angry Birds ... what would you call that. Set? But not sure I want to be picking up Legos for three months afterward.
How fun would these be to build? And then display all prettily?
Had someone donate some Duplos. At first I was all like "What am I going to do with these?" But then I saw this on Pinterest and a new idea for January was born.
More later.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Ever so much fun. My sister got it for my niece and they brought it over so that I could see it tonight. It's a reprint of a '69 title. I LOVE the illustrations. Most (not quite all, though) of the rhymes work very well.
Sort of like the Grinch the Snitch learns his lesson. It is better to give and share than take.
View all my reviews

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
A bit on the silly side (and the rhymes/rhythm could be improved) ... but that's OK. It's a fun one that is new to me ... and so will most likely be new to a lot of the kiddos. Saw it on display at the public library yesterday, will be reading it in the school library tomorrow!
View all my reviews
(Edit from today ... it was a hit!)

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I love, love, love the pictures. The text is nice and simple and quiet, too, but the pictures are what made this book for me. Now must save it for the next time I see my niece ... and then maybe PreK in January. This is the public library copy. I need to get one for our school!
The color combo is just fun. Lots of lovely snowflakes and two small, bright red birdies. I think it's the contrast between the red and the white snow, blue sky, and green trees.
Plus the message. There are no two snowflakes that are alike. Or animals. Or kids. Everyone is special.
Which sounds cheesy to say but the book did it just right.
View all my reviews
What Are You Reading?
It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. It is a great way to recap what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and to plan out your reading and reviews for the upcoming week. It's also a great chance to see what others are reading right now…who knows, you might discover that next “must read” book!
Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts.
What I Read
The Death Cure--still liked ... but not as much as the first two. Not even quite sure why so this is not a helpful review at all, is it.
Rogue--LOVE the HIVE books!
The Secret Prince--DID like this one even though many people call it a HP knockoff. Wish her website wasn't so ridiculously out of date.
Next Week's Reading Adventures
School gets out Tuesday afternoon, so maybe I will actually finish all of these! Or ... considering it's the holidays ... most of them. There are some great movies to watch and family to hang out with, after all. Babies. Have I mentioned I have both a new niece and nephew to cuddle? One born on Nov. 23 and one on Dec. 3.
Peter Nimble
The Notorious Benedict Arnold
Eager's Nephew
Hanging Hill
The Apothecary
Duncan Dorfman
The Outcasts
The Scorpio Races
And those are just the ones currently checked out of the library. Got some great ones from Netgalley as well.
Though, really ... I should work on my two TCEA presentations and Simple K12 webinar. I'm sort of a procrastinator. Live on the edge of stress/panic.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
More Info on RATS
Ask and ye shall receive. Well, sometimes. I asked the teachers of the rooms where some of the guest speakers read last week. And they tossed my door decorations. You will never see the one for Dinos in the Snow, which bums me out because I was quite proud of it! :[ Door decorations go up a few days early and at some point buddies walk around for a preview of the stories they might choose from.
We run the day on our early dismissal schedule so that everyone gets lunch, PE, music, and planning.
Then at 1:05 older buddies meet in the younger buddies rooms. For the umpteenth time, go over expectations like no running in the halls and always stay with your buddy.
1:15 I get on the announcements, welcome everyone, talk about the "theme" (if there is one ... we've done it both ways!) to all of the stories, and then give them the go for a five minute passing period to get to their first story. All of the reading rooms are inside the building, so that no one has to go out to the portables.
1:20 The first story starts.
1:32 First story ends. Passing period to next one begins. This would be a good point to say that when possible readers partner up so that they don't have to read the story four times in a row. Apparently only librarians have that kind of stamina. ;]
1:37 Second story begins.
1:50 Second story ends and passing period begins.
1:55 Third story begins.
2:07 Third story ends and passing period begins.
2:12 Fourth story begins.
2:25 Fourth story ends and buddies meet back in the younger buddy classroom. We try to have some sort of little token to hand out ... be it a pencil, bookmark, etc. Last week we didn't because we had BOOKS to give out the next day.
2:35 Older buddies return to their classrooms and the day's reflections, agenda notes, folders, etc. are readied for dismissal.
You could make it go a little longer by giving each story a couple more minutes. Most of the time they are already done, though. I try to remind everyone to have a little poem (I've given them suggestions) or tongue twister or even jokes or riddles related to their story to fill up any extra time. Sometimes I'll get on the PA when there is like two minutes left and say something to the effect of "if you're not done with your story you've still got a couple of minutes, but if you are buddies turn and talk to each other about _____________________________." Could be about the Seven Habits (we're almost a Lighthouse school), could be about a school subject, or a favorite book, or whatever.
We lucked out last week and only had one parent come to pick up a child in the middle of RATS. That was a first ... usually there are quite a few more and we have to tell them it will take a little longer because of a special activity where the kids are all over the school and we're not exactly sure where they are. Sometimes we interrupt on the PA, sometimes we wait until the next break.
Here is one more that I made (Stella) and one more that two teachers made (The First Day of Winter ... is it not fabulous?). Stella is on a bookcase because as much as I generally love the students, staff, and parents at my school ... it is just about the stupidest space in the world. Our library is a major central hallway which, let me tell you, makes for fun teaching. I do my best but whine sometimes. :/ Who am I kidding. I whine a lot about it but still try my best to make every lesson count. Then go home and lie down in a cool, dark, and quiet place to soothe the headache of yelling all day just to be heard. ;]
We run the day on our early dismissal schedule so that everyone gets lunch, PE, music, and planning.
Then at 1:05 older buddies meet in the younger buddies rooms. For the umpteenth time, go over expectations like no running in the halls and always stay with your buddy.
1:15 I get on the announcements, welcome everyone, talk about the "theme" (if there is one ... we've done it both ways!) to all of the stories, and then give them the go for a five minute passing period to get to their first story. All of the reading rooms are inside the building, so that no one has to go out to the portables.
1:20 The first story starts.
1:32 First story ends. Passing period to next one begins. This would be a good point to say that when possible readers partner up so that they don't have to read the story four times in a row. Apparently only librarians have that kind of stamina. ;]
1:37 Second story begins.
1:50 Second story ends and passing period begins.
1:55 Third story begins.
2:07 Third story ends and passing period begins.
2:12 Fourth story begins.
2:25 Fourth story ends and buddies meet back in the younger buddy classroom. We try to have some sort of little token to hand out ... be it a pencil, bookmark, etc. Last week we didn't because we had BOOKS to give out the next day.
2:35 Older buddies return to their classrooms and the day's reflections, agenda notes, folders, etc. are readied for dismissal.
You could make it go a little longer by giving each story a couple more minutes. Most of the time they are already done, though. I try to remind everyone to have a little poem (I've given them suggestions) or tongue twister or even jokes or riddles related to their story to fill up any extra time. Sometimes I'll get on the PA when there is like two minutes left and say something to the effect of "if you're not done with your story you've still got a couple of minutes, but if you are buddies turn and talk to each other about _____________________________." Could be about the Seven Habits (we're almost a Lighthouse school), could be about a school subject, or a favorite book, or whatever.
We lucked out last week and only had one parent come to pick up a child in the middle of RATS. That was a first ... usually there are quite a few more and we have to tell them it will take a little longer because of a special activity where the kids are all over the school and we're not exactly sure where they are. Sometimes we interrupt on the PA, sometimes we wait until the next break.
Here is one more that I made (Stella) and one more that two teachers made (The First Day of Winter ... is it not fabulous?). Stella is on a bookcase because as much as I generally love the students, staff, and parents at my school ... it is just about the stupidest space in the world. Our library is a major central hallway which, let me tell you, makes for fun teaching. I do my best but whine sometimes. :/ Who am I kidding. I whine a lot about it but still try my best to make every lesson count. Then go home and lie down in a cool, dark, and quiet place to soothe the headache of yelling all day just to be heard. ;]
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Read Around the School
which is otherwise lovingly known as RATS. We finished another one on Tuesday. Twice a year. The fun is all I can handle. ;]
Many schools have buddies ... younger and older classes matched together who occasionally do activities together. Well, with RATS the buddies go all around the school (think organized chaos) listening to stores read by teachers or guests. Sort of like trick-or-treating but for stories.
We had a mix of holiday and winter and non-holiday stories. Yet again, even with 750 kids wandering the halls we didn't lose anyone and a grand time was had by all. Here are three "door decorations" advertising stories. I'll try to get some more tomorrow.
And yes, this was before they were actually on a door. We had several guest readers this time so oh, lucky me. I got to make 5. Eeek. I'll get my other two plus some of the really great teacher ones we had.
Many schools have buddies ... younger and older classes matched together who occasionally do activities together. Well, with RATS the buddies go all around the school (think organized chaos) listening to stores read by teachers or guests. Sort of like trick-or-treating but for stories.
We had a mix of holiday and winter and non-holiday stories. Yet again, even with 750 kids wandering the halls we didn't lose anyone and a grand time was had by all. Here are three "door decorations" advertising stories. I'll try to get some more tomorrow.
And yes, this was before they were actually on a door. We had several guest readers this time so oh, lucky me. I got to make 5. Eeek. I'll get my other two plus some of the really great teacher ones we had.
Monday, December 12, 2011
What Are You Reading?
It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. It is a great way to recap what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and to plan out your reading and reviews for the upcoming week. It's also a great chance to see what others are reading right now…who knows, you might discover that next “must read” book!
Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts.
Last Week's Book Adventures
I did finally finish When Live Gives You O.J. by Erica Perl. Took me a while because I misplaced it. Oops. The Grandpa in this story made me laugh. He was LOUD. Zelly learns some good lessons in this one. Talk it up to teachers of 2nd grade and up for read alouds and 4th or 5th grade for independent reading.
I STARTED Rogue But that was all. Started.
Oh, and I read Ashes, Ashes by Jo Treggiari. Liked that one OK. If you're only going to read one dystopian fic title, though, don't pick this one.
Bought Oliver Jeffers' Stuck. LOVE it. Many kiddos won't be able to read it independently because the print is a script style font ... but I can't wait to share it in a storytime!
That was about it. Not a super reading week, was it?
The Coming Week's Reading Adventures
Finish Rogue. I do enjoy this series. All sorts of fun acronyms.
Must read The Death Cure!
Also started The Notorious Benedict Arnold: A True Story of Adventure, Heroism & Treachery.
Still want to read The Secret Prince and The Fingertips of Duncan Dorfman soon.
Will not mention how many other books I have checked out of the library. The law of the library ... put several books on hold and even if it's spread over two months they will all come in at once during a highly crazy time where reading energies and time are low!
I need to finish several electronic ARCS I've received from NetGalley. First on that list is Stealing Magic: A Sixty-Eight Rooms Adventure.
Holiday Books Part 2
Here are some more! Cause as soon as I hit publish, yep. Thought of a few more. Or had other people remind me of a few more.
Bear Stays Up for Christmas
I totally love all of Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman's books. The Bear ones happen to be favorites though they've got some other good ones as well. Anyway. MAKE SURE to get this one!
The Channukah Guest
We used to have a fairly large number of Jewish students at our school so it was looking for something for them that led me to this one. It's still my favorite Hannukah story (once I looked up the difference in the spelling ... I don't remember what it is, now). This one's pretty old but to have an older lady think a bear was her rabbi ... it's fun! Wish we could make latkes in the library. That would be cool. We always just have to compare them to McDonald's hashbrowns.
If You Take a Mouse to the Movies
Love Laura Numeroff and Felicia Bond's circle stories. This is no different. Been working on If You Give a Reindeer a Rootbeer stories this week with 1st grade. Thank you Pinterest for first showing me the idea (which was actually done by a talented teacher but I just have to plug Pinterest because it's fun and useful for school!)
Llama Llama Holiday Drama
Love her paintings and love just saying "Llama Llama." Check out the YouTube reading if you haven't seen it.
Merry Christmas Mom and Dad
I loved (and collected) Little Critter books before I ever even knew I was going to be a librarian. Is that strange? He just tries so hard to be good.
The Night Tree
The illustrations are what make this one. The soft lighting ... lights are my favorite part of Christmas!
Christmas Cookies
So this one ... really more for adults than children. And I only like the illustrations ... not super crazy about them. But I do love the definitions for different character traits and holiday traditions that are related to each cookie.
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
Remember this OLD movie? The book is better!
Let It Snow
This one is for a young adult reader ... but just look at the authors who contributed. Pretty good. I'd check it out of the library instead of buying it, though. Fun fluffy stories to read this time of year but not ones you'll go back to over and over.
Bear Stays Up for Christmas
I totally love all of Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman's books. The Bear ones happen to be favorites though they've got some other good ones as well. Anyway. MAKE SURE to get this one!
The Channukah Guest
We used to have a fairly large number of Jewish students at our school so it was looking for something for them that led me to this one. It's still my favorite Hannukah story (once I looked up the difference in the spelling ... I don't remember what it is, now). This one's pretty old but to have an older lady think a bear was her rabbi ... it's fun! Wish we could make latkes in the library. That would be cool. We always just have to compare them to McDonald's hashbrowns.
If You Take a Mouse to the Movies
Love Laura Numeroff and Felicia Bond's circle stories. This is no different. Been working on If You Give a Reindeer a Rootbeer stories this week with 1st grade. Thank you Pinterest for first showing me the idea (which was actually done by a talented teacher but I just have to plug Pinterest because it's fun and useful for school!)
Llama Llama Holiday Drama
Love her paintings and love just saying "Llama Llama." Check out the YouTube reading if you haven't seen it.
Merry Christmas Mom and Dad
I loved (and collected) Little Critter books before I ever even knew I was going to be a librarian. Is that strange? He just tries so hard to be good.
The Night Tree
The illustrations are what make this one. The soft lighting ... lights are my favorite part of Christmas!
Christmas Cookies
So this one ... really more for adults than children. And I only like the illustrations ... not super crazy about them. But I do love the definitions for different character traits and holiday traditions that are related to each cookie.
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
Remember this OLD movie? The book is better!
Let It Snow
This one is for a young adult reader ... but just look at the authors who contributed. Pretty good. I'd check it out of the library instead of buying it, though. Fun fluffy stories to read this time of year but not ones you'll go back to over and over.
Monday, December 5, 2011
What Are You Reading?
It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. It is a great way to recap what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and to plan out your reading and reviews for the upcoming week. It's also a great chance to see what others are reading right now…who knows, you might discover that next “must read” book!
Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts.
Let's see if I do this right. I will get book covers next time. Tonight I just want to finish and get to sleep. ;]
Last Week's Book Adventures
Lola and the Boy Next Door--in a nutshell good, but I liked Anna better.
The Poisoned House
This Week's
finish When Life Gives You O.J.
The Death Cure
The Secret Prince
The Fingertips of Duncan Dorfman
Think it'll happen? I have WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too many books out from the library right now. Would have to quit working to actually get to all of them. #funtimes
Holiday Books
So my sister asked for some suggestions of books to either buy or get from the library. These are not necessarily in order because hello, I am way too indecisive for that. And boy howdy how long has it taken me to finish this post. In my defense my family has been pretty busy. Sister and brother in law welcomed a little girl and brother and sister in law welcomed a little boy. Both in the space of what ... 10 days? ;]
My Penguin Osbert
Is it the bowling pin penguin or the name Osbert? I love them both. What an idea ... get a penguin from Santa! Always have interesting discussions with little guys about the pros and cons of such an animal as a housepet.
Bear's First Christmas
I love this one for the pictures. So soft.
Uncles and Antlers
This one makes me laugh. Especially the Uncle from Texas and the one that looks like Elvis.
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Um, hello. NO EXPLANATION NEEDED! Never seen this movie. Or, let me clarify. The live action version. The classic cartoon is awesome.
It's Time for Christmas
Love Duck and Goose. This is a little board book and my niece and I like to read it together. She has it pretty much memorized.
The Longest Christmas List
Greediness makes for funny times. And a writing prompt. !]
Mr. Willoughby's Christmas Tree
Upcycling at its finest. And, even more importantly ... the true spirit of sharing.
The Polar Express
Can I admit I've never actually seen this movie? Every year I swear I am going to dress up in my PJs and be an honorary 1st grader for the day. And then stuff comes up. :[ I LOVE Liam Nissan's recording. Is that how you spell Liam Nissan? I should go look it up.
The Night Before Christmas
I just love James Marshall's illustrations.
Volume Two to come next week because as soon as I hit publish I'm sure to think of one I forgot!
My Penguin Osbert
Is it the bowling pin penguin or the name Osbert? I love them both. What an idea ... get a penguin from Santa! Always have interesting discussions with little guys about the pros and cons of such an animal as a housepet.
Bear's First Christmas
I love this one for the pictures. So soft.
Uncles and Antlers
This one makes me laugh. Especially the Uncle from Texas and the one that looks like Elvis.
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Um, hello. NO EXPLANATION NEEDED! Never seen this movie. Or, let me clarify. The live action version. The classic cartoon is awesome.
It's Time for Christmas
Love Duck and Goose. This is a little board book and my niece and I like to read it together. She has it pretty much memorized.
The Longest Christmas List
Greediness makes for funny times. And a writing prompt. !]
Mr. Willoughby's Christmas Tree
Upcycling at its finest. And, even more importantly ... the true spirit of sharing.
The Polar Express
Can I admit I've never actually seen this movie? Every year I swear I am going to dress up in my PJs and be an honorary 1st grader for the day. And then stuff comes up. :[ I LOVE Liam Nissan's recording. Is that how you spell Liam Nissan? I should go look it up.
The Night Before Christmas
I just love James Marshall's illustrations.
Volume Two to come next week because as soon as I hit publish I'm sure to think of one I forgot!
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