If I leave it til school is actually in f2f session it won't get done so I wanted to get a head start.
The learning targets ... I'm not going to pretend I did all the work of double checking everything against CC standards or in my case TEKS. The video shows the entire thing so far and the screen capture shows the targets I have.
When it's done it will be Google Slides. The pictures won't move but the targets will be drag and drop and/or you can pull in a timer from YouTube.
It's to update this because honestly that one I haven't changed since I posted it like two and a half years ago. I only ever started putting stuff there because it helped recoup some of what I spent. Deciding on whether to keep that up, too. I don't know how some of y'all do it running super awesome programs and blogging and IGing and sort of semi side business self promoting. It's overwhelmed me the last couple years and I don't even have kids. There will be a lot of revamping, though, for distance learning. We know we are doing that for the first three weeks and that is all we know. Hence my organizational binge (just wait, more pictures to come) trying to control what I can. Hello dumb ol' anxiety. Hope you are feeling as calm and ready as you can be! Let me know if you have any ideas/suggestions?