11. Favorite TV Show: Psych! We've waited so long!
10. Favorite Restaurant: I'm pretty easy. Firehouse Subs. Panda Express. Don't do fancy very much. I did try Ruth's Chris when a friend was visiting but EGADS I thought I would die of embarrassment because I didn't know we were going and at the time? Wearing the Leia shirt you see above. Was quite good, though.
9. Favorite New Thing: my WALL OF BOOKSHELVES. :)
8. Favorite Gift: pics from my niece Winnie.
7. Favorite Pin: I spend too much time on Pinterest. It's just so easy when you can do it on your phone. So it's hard to pick. The one that still makes me LAUGH THE MOST? A year old today. And you'll think I'm strange. But go here. The original link is broken but the pin will still show the funny image.
6. Favorite Blog Post: Funny. Can never seem to figure out ahead of time what other people will like. Something I thought was awesome will get very few page hits and something I wasn't quite as excited about will get way more. We'll say ... There is a Bird on Your Head. I remembered to take pics!
5. Best Accomplishment: Surviving in one piece? It was a crazy year! Surgery. Presenting at a state level conference 8 days after said surgery. Getting campus Teacher of the Year (last year ... not winning any awards for 2013 fall semester :/). Family moving in and then leaving again. Not getting a new position I really thought I wanted :(. Leaving the house that has been home for over 20 years. Building and moving in to a new place. Two new family members. Would love for 2014 to be a bit ... calmer. Too much to ask for?
4. Favorite Picture: For as many photo blogs as I semi-follow (and community ed classes I have taken) I am SO BAD at taking pics. And then keeping them organized. For now we'll say these. Favorites from my FB wall. Pretty rare I ever take one I like. Then family. And the living room of my new place.
3. Favorite Memory: This one is hard, too! My parents taking care of me when I got appendicitis (pain not a good memory but hey ... even if you did have a significant other (which I don't ... boo :P) it's still nice to have Mom and Dad around when you feel so awful. And they were so much help). Hanging out with my youngest brother before he left for two years. Time with nieces and nephews. Funny texts/FB IMs between siblings. So mostly family time. I like my job but mostly family time.
2. Goal for 2014: Scripture study. I think that if I can get my spiritual self back on track (not that I've been living badly ... just haven't felt as close to Him as I could with some devotional time) lots of things will fall into place ... both personally and professionally.
1. One Little Word: still the same as last year. Intention. I keep ... getting behind and not living with intention. Just scrambling to stay afloat.
Bookish UnBoring List
Sort of a bust. Not a complete bust as I finished about half.
3. Read
4. Read
5. Visit indie bookstores. Well, no. Didn't go on any trips and the only one in my area is now EVEN FARTHER away cause I moved. Next year? I want to visit my siblings in CO and WA.
6. HP Nook in new place. Fail. Dunno whether it was that my expectations were super unrealistic or the lame builder but it's too small. In my eyes, anyway. Dunno about the kids. They didn't explore it this trip cause it's still unfinished. Builder seriously just cut a hole in the wall under the stairs and left it. :P Will see about what I can do to save it in the next year.
8. Something Oz-ish. Nope. Didn't happen. Writing that one off.
9. Book art. That one will roll over into next year for sure!
10. A "tea party" in my new kitchen since I couldn't actually visit PEI? Not yet. We'll roll that one over, too.