Patrick Carman. Loved the Dark Hills Divide series. Love Skeleton Creek. Love Floors. Pretty much love all of his stuff.
Clip art. I have a weakness for clip art. You knew that already. And I clear out that pinboard pretty often after I buy stuff or install fonts. Does anyone have a really good system for organizing clip art?
Silhouette Cameo. I don't use it nearly as much as I could. Or others do. But still. SO MUCH FUN. Made these over the summer and they are still favorites.
Color! The school district blog where this picture originally lived is gone. Plus I've made them prettier. They're laminated, on a ring, hanging from a Command hook (HA! another C) on the side of the catalog computer monitors. Well. I need to get some more hooks because of our four computers? Three have died in the past two months. We got hand-me-downs from classrooms for two. But here is one idea I had for using paint chips in the library. Mini-Genre Word Walls for looking up particular genres of books in the online catalog!
Besides matching them to the three different bookshelf colors/styles in your library, that is? ;)

C is a lovely letter, in as much as its for Charlotte!