Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts.
GREAT IDEA! Check out all of the What Are You Reading? participants for title ideas.
Last Week
Two Graves. "Grown up" reading but hey. Gotta do that sometimes, too. Pendergast. If you like mysteries ... have you read them? Awesome!
Ways to Live Forever. Umm ... kind of sad. :/
Reached. The first one is still my favorite. But hey, you've got to get the whole story, right? And it was good.
The Fire Chronicle. FUN fantasy series. Trying to decide ... middle school could definitely read. Could fourth and fifth grade read and understand and enjoy?
Coming Up
I totally need to finish Benjamin Franklinstein because the author is coming in like ... 10 days?
Here's the whole series (though I do not know why #2 is listed with the co-author, only). Great for ... I would say average third grade and up at least. Would need to be a STRONG second grade reader. Not as creepy as the covers might intimate so it's not content. Vocabulary.
Plus I will be reading these with the young kiddos. Should've finished all my plans for them over the break. #dumbbreak #spentsomuchofitsick Well. I did play with my nephew when I could control the coughing/sneezing. He already had a cold so we figured it was OK.
Now, see this series? I am behind.
Maybe not exactly finishing this week. Let's say finishing number three.
Here's to ... #mindingthegap.
And this series.
And one of these? Is this doable the first week back to school after the break?
Anxiously awaiting a couple book orders. If they come? All plans might change. Well. Except for the author visit prep.

What a busy reading time!! I am also hoping to read Starry River soon.