Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts.
GREAT IDEA! Check out all of the What Are You Reading? participants for title ideas.
Not a whole lot. Was still fighting some sort of bug for a lot of the week. Hopefully the next week will be better!
My #shelfchallenge was the LO picture book shelf ... mostly Arnold Lobel and Jonathan London, with a few others thrown in. So far? About two thirds of the way through. So not exactly finishing on schedule but considering two weeks of feeling rotten and just wanting to sleep whenever I was home not terrible, either. Arnold Lobel really did write some cool stuff. I TOTALLY HEART the Frog and Toad Cookies story. Now the Froggy books. I do still like them, don't get me wrong. But the next time I let kids get me to read an entire shelf? Make sure it's not full of a series. Cause ... it's getting a little old, I must admit.
I have to finish Dark Triumph before it is due on Wednesday (well ... I may end up paying a couple days worth of overdue fines #badexample).
Then on to some E-ARCS. Unless, of course, more books come in from hold requests at the public library. Or our last order of bond money books comes in.
I have two professional books coming this month.
And apparently Book Love is another must read? Also Note and Notice? Anyone read either? (Yes, the shame. I ordered from Amazon. #needtosupportmoresmallbusinesses)
The house is coming along. I am sad to report that the Potter's Nook is no longer to be. I guess I had unrealistic expectations. I thought the stairs would be a good 6 inches higher up than they are. That bit of headspace made all the difference in my mind between cozy and claustrophobic. So maybe the nieces and nephews will still like it. Just won't catch ME in there with them. :/
I saw 42 on Friday afternoon. It earns the PG13 rating for language ... but the story is so amazing! Makes me want to go read more about Jackie Robinson.
I am working on some baseball stuff. Next year the campus will be using baseball as a common language for measuring "effort." This is just my start to have the library on board with this.
The signs are for choosing books. I actually am working on a couple different ones ... one for free choice and one for "teacher choice." Lately I've been hearing a lot of "no graphic novels, no drawing books, only chapter books" in the library and it's driving me nuts. Not sure how to address it. Yes, IN the classroom teachers are welcome to make requirements. Important for student learning. But if a child wants to take home an origami book to use on their own time? I AM HAPPY TO PROVIDE IT FOR THEM and get frustrated when the teacher tells them they "can't" check that out. Don't use it in the classroom? Sure. Don't get it at all? How can I address this? Not cool to do in front of the kids. Son't want to seem like I'm attacking anyone ... but this really bothers me. Suggestions?
Then there's just a simple reading log. Color in different parts of the picture for reading different things.

I am thankful my kids check out whatever they want. I am pretty strict about what they read in class, so library is their free choice.
Chickadee Jubilee
Yay! That's how it should be. Totally in class (and even some of any "homework" type reading) the teacher can set expectations. But tell a kid whose parents may not ever take them to the public library or let them buy a book "No, you can't check that out, even if you're going to use it on your time?" #notcool
DeleteIdeas on how I can bring this up without being super offensive? I'm not good with "confrontation." Either let myself get bowled over or come across way too strong. Need a happy medium.