Did I mention when I wore my #leagueoflibrarians shirt out running errands the other day I totally heard kids commenting on it? I went to the public library to pick up some books and to WalMart (EEEK! But they had glue sticks on sale for $.10 each and we go through A LOT of glue sticks) and in both places I could here kids whispering to each other. ;]
I want to do something fun. So many fun things I want to do. A gadget design contest? A video? If I was "the type" who could dress up and act silly that would be fun. But I'm not. And our current school lunch ladies are not so much, either. At least the ones we had when JJK was here were fun and played along.
These ... late second grade to third grade and up. Not a lot of text but the vocab is awfully high for anyone younger.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
A-ha! I am really starting to see why the kiddos like these so much. Crazy gadgets. Funny ... what's the word. Soundbites? Quotes? Things like "You bet your ketchup I am!" And then the gadgets. Priceless.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Loved all the book references. Actually loved the librarians ... I sometimes feel like that when I'm setting up for the bookfair--like an evil mastermind. But seriously, kids AND TEACHERS who stand there and look at me dumbfounded when I point out I can't set up the bookfair and checkout entire classes of kids worth of library books and help the kids on passes from their teachers and run to the computer lab to fix some problem that will have to have a help desk ticket put in, anyway. Can't do it!
Lunch Lady ... brilliant solution to the problem. And Betty ... your gadgets are seriously cool!

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
An author with a vendetta. Can totally understand that. Now, how many authors can actually afford a helicopter?
The spy gadgets are cool! A mustard grappling hook and ketchup packet laser. Hamburger headphones. They make me laugh. :]

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This one reminded me of old Scooby Doo cartoons.
One quibble, though? The kids should have helped clean up. Lunch Lady & Betty ... don't do everything for them!

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I love the all the awesome gadgets and funny outbursts in these books.
"Spicy salsa!" "French fries!" "Brussel sprouts!"
Slight spoilers ahead ...
Lunch Lady. GROSS. Tasting icing left on the school floor. Don't you know about the five second rule?
Buszilla was COOOOOOOOOOOL. Even if he was evil.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Love all the gadgets and funny lines. "You're the cake's frosting. I owe you one!"
And the superb action/chase sequence!
Poor Betty, though. I can't help but feel sometimes she gets a little overlooked. I suppose that is part of the duty of a superhero sidekick.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Funny, as always. Full of great gadgets and silly comebacks.
Only, come on. One of the math problems discusses a library that checks out 20 books a day. 20 books a day? Try 20 books an hour. On a slow day.

I too just recently just read all the Lunch Lady books. I loved them!! And I just love my League of Libraians t-shirt. Can't wait until I wear it to school!