Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers.
GREAT IDEA! Check out all of the What Are You Reading? participants for title ideas.
This Week
Didn't get much else done on Saturday but I did get these two finished.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Quite a lot of fun. Fairly easy to read (3rd or 4th, maybe high 2nd) with grand adventure. We do need to get a set of these at school!

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This one had a little more sanctimonious preaching of "the law" than I would have liked. That said ... maybe it was a necessary preaching? I don't know.
It was still an excellent story bringing Sir Oliver, his father, Monk, Hester, and Scuff together again.
And I managed to get one book from the fair finished.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Saw this in the bookfair and picked it up.
It's fairly predictable but cute all the same. The little bunny misses the mailman so decides to deliver his letter to Santa personally. He prepares and packs a few items he thinks he might use. Along the way to the North Pole he ends up sharing those items with others in need and, in the process ... makes some friends. Which was his Christmas wish in the first place.
Soft illustrations. Definitely worth a library checkout and maybe even if you wanted a suggestion for a holiday picture book personal collection.
Next week? We'll see. I have this one out from the public library.

And as soon as it's actually delivered I am anxious to take a look at this one. I hadn't heard of it before but I love the idea. I play the violin. Or, I do when I practice.

Here's the trailer.
But with the recent turns of event I may be packing even more fervently. Less than half as much time as expected before I leave the house that has been home for a very long time. For a new place ... eventually. It's not done yet. Extended stay hotel in the mean time. And possible federal jury duty October promises fun times all around. :P
Thanks for all of the entries in the Easy Canvas Prints giveaway. As soon as I know who won I'll pass that along!

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