Maybe I will try making these this summer.
If I don't ... lose interest
(TMI warning ... it's just EOY packing up stress, right? Not complete and total burnout at working in such a chaotic hallway for 9 years? I seriously came THIS CLOSE to crying today in front of everyone when a little kindergartner came by to say goodbye because she was moving. My head hurt so much from the movies the PE classes was watching in the library and all the noise from everyone walking through the hallways and I couldn't find anywhere quiet to try and do something useful since we couldn't shelf read in the dark with the tables pushed up against the inside of the shelves and hundreds of people around the outside of the shelves I almost lost it right in front of a cute little one which would not have been cool)
I will finally finish I See What You Mean: Visual Literacy and try more of this. I did post about Piktochart and a while back but then I never did anything more. Anyway. Infographics are fun to look at online.
And this one.
One thing I'll be working on this summer. It is one of the most faith based links I've ever posted on here. But it describes me. Not the newly married part. Right now the "but" part. Would like it to be more "and."
Cute Father's Day printables ahead from "We Love to Illustrate."
Signing out teachers tomorrow. End of year report on Monday. Hopefully my admin will let me sort of ... swap out Tuesday. Going to enough PD throughout the summer that it seems silly to pretend to be doing something on Tuesday when everything is packed up. So sometime next week summer vacation will actually start. And #BOOKADAY.

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