(Wanted some sort of image for the post so we'll say I'm "looking toward the sun" ... but you're not getting me in a ponytail and workout clothes! Even though I don't think I'll workout today. Hamstring still HURTS from yesterday. :/ And SOME of this post is library related. SOME is not. Be forewarned. Also was the pic of my nephew yesterday not the cutest? My brother texted it to me on one of the last days of school. It made me smile.)
Checking OFF
1) Decluttering. Egads have I accumulated STUFF. It's so hard to organize and get rid of. Any of you follow the Unclutterer?
2) Finally ordered my contacts. After they'd been calling me since January. Call one? I was in the hospital with appendicitis. Call two? Visiting my sister and getting ... very, very ill. :P Call three? Middle of state testing. I don't wear them often due to allergies and the DUST at school but I like to have the option. So hard to make phone calls during the day at school I never remembered.
3) FB profile photo and banner made for my school library FB page!
4) Looking online at refabbing furniture blogs. Can I count that as checking off when I haven't DONE anything yet? I've never tried it. Summer is the time to do things! Anyone out there already good at it? I'm nervous to try.
Still on The List
1) Getting the oil changed. I hate that.
2) Dentist appointment. I hate that, too. Scheduled but haven't gone.
Adding TO
1) Powtoon. Caught that Katie Davis now was contributing art to the site. Watched the replay of her webinar and signed up for the edu account. $25 or so. Between that and the cool Videoscribe app on the iPad I want to try some flipped library videos. Thoughts on topics?
2) I can always find more books to add to the TBR pile. And apparently ... apparently I have misplaced one from the public library. I would have SWORN I returned it but it's not on their shelf. I can't find it. Will have to keep looking or pay for it and that's just embarrassing.
3) I have purchased more graphics. It's like an addiction, it really is. So I feel I should DO something with them. Working on a "baseball" inspired set of library posters since that's the framework our school will be using in the fall to talk about effort. Just got some super fun "treasure raider" ones yesterday for making some "Discover Hidden Treasures @ the School Library" or something like that. A couple new Melonheadz sets (one where you see the backs of kids ... I thought some bookmarks could be fun, making it look like the little kid in the picture was reading the book?). And more, I'm sure. A bunch of new FREEBIE summer themed stuff from an Etsy FB Fan Page Hop. And some cute patriotic clip art (and ... washi tape and baker's twine ... I forgot for a moment about how I want to declutter and hit the buy button).

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