It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. It is a great way to recap what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and to plan out your reading and reviews for the upcoming week. It's also a great chance to see what others are reading right now… who knows, you might discover that next “must read” book!
Our Kid Lit to YA version is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts.
GREAT IDEA! Check out all of the What Are You Reading? participants for title ideas.
Lots o' Reading This Week ... pretty fast reading, too. Must remember that balance ... stop and enjoy the writing once in a while instead of just plowing through to get to the plot.
several Babymouse books--will post reviews when I finish ALL of them ;]
a couple Lunch Lady books--see same reasoning above
some poetry picture books--reviews posted yesterday
Madam President (Lane Smith) (SO FUNNY! I'd heard of this one and I'm pretty sure we have it at school but I'd never actually picked it up before. My favorite part is the "Cabinet." May have to think up something fun to do with this one in November! Plus, hello. MADAM President. Without it being all strange about it.)
Don't Read this Book
When a Dragon Moves In
I'm Fast!
Beverly Billingsly Borrows a Book

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
(Go to the Goodreads link if you are interested in the review ... and make sure to read the last page before school starts!)

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
(In a nutshell WAAAAY better than the first one but that's still not saying much.)

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
A fairy tale retelling. I did enjoy it.
Only a couple times I had to make myself keep reading. There are so many bits of fairy tales in here it can be hard to keep them all straight.
books two and three in the Quantum Leap series by Michael Carroll (they seriously remind me of X-Men Origins but he started writing them before that movie ever came out!)

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

As a stand alone story it was lots of fun.
As part of the series? It sort of seems ... like a weird tangent. Couldn't figure out how many stars to give it.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Creepy. And a couple scenes (one in the "trough room" in particular) made me gag. Definitely YA.
But still. I just may have to come back for more in the series. I want to know what happens!

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Ray is in the story ... but he is not nearly as central a character. Sally takes on a much larger role, as does Marisol (and her snakes ... which still give me the creeps). Jolie, too. And (without giving too much away) another character we did not expect to see again.
I don't quite "get" the whole machine thing, but I think book three should tie that up. This book was definitely a middle "we're not ready to finish but we want to tell you some more" kind of volume. Things happen to Buck and Si that really don't seem to serve much more of a purpose than to explain why they are not in this book very often. Could be foreshadowing or not.
Still. I'm hooked and we'll finish the series!
View all my reviews
Still in the Middle of
the professional reading--both books are really good but I can't zip through them like I do with fiction
Hoping to Read in the Next Two Weeks because #bookaday Is Going to End WAY TOO SOON
the last book in the Quantum Leap series
One Year in Coal Harbor (having trouble moving E-ARCs over to my Nook :X ... I don't always get it out when I should but now when I move files over they say they are not authorized ... must check on this further as it has never happened before :X :X :X ... I CAN read them on my Mac but that is sort of a pain)
In a Glass Grimmly
The Classroom
Ashen Winter
more of the Escape from Furnace series (if I don't get too creeped out)
Candy Shop War
more Babymouse and Lunch Lady (OH! And Squish!)
So for Monday Made It I went to Pinterest. I am the teacher librarian in an elementary school. I came from a high school Spanish/English teaching background (yes! Culture shock!). Never had to manage much more than papers.
The amount of time myself and (when she wasn't sent somewhere else on campus) my assistant spent handing out and picking up scissors, crayons, glues sticks, etc. to or from each table was just crazy. We couldn't leave it out, though, because with no walls and being in such a high traffic area? Without people even meaning to things walk away. "Oh, I'll just borrow this and return it." Enter all sorts of interruptions and they would forget.
Our school has a new principal (well, she started in late February so this is her first full year) who is instituting a schoolwide Super Heroes theme along with the "Seven Habits."
I made these to put on top of containers. We will fill up the containers (once with the basic supplies, then day by day depending on the specific activity with those needed supplies), set them out, and ... shouldn't that work? Of course lots of stuff will still disappear--it's really hard to remember to give every class and every table monitors every time they come. Or remember to ask teachers whose job it might be back in the class. (We won't get in to the teachers that disappear as soon as the class comes ... when this is NOT their planning time. But I digress cause it's not all of them!) Will these work, do you think? Plus ARE THEY NOT SO CUTE? Melonheadz clip art along with some designs on my Silhouette Cameo.
Can you see the bazillion glue sticks in the one container I put in the pic? They were on sale at ... gasp. Walmart. I dislike Walmart. But they were only $.10. The number of glue sticks we go through confounds me. And we don't get any of the classroom school supplies from the students at the beginning of the year. Oh well.

Great idea for the containers - the labels are soooo cute! I'm the teacher librarian as well (only part time though :( So I know all about things that "walk" away! This should stop a few of the them from disappearing!
Books, Blocks and Baskets
I didn't care for Theodore Boone, but the Smith Lockdown books were... oddly philosophical. I do have them in the middle school library, with some reservations, the way I have Shan's Demonata series. The boys absolutely adore them. In fact, one of the 7th grade LA teachers who is a big fan of The Giver loves the Lockdown books, too. But you are right-- a bit gruesome.
ReplyDeleteWow! That's an impressive list of books. I had to peek at your professional book reading. I definitely plan to check out the book, In Pictures and in Words: Teaching the Qualities of Good Writing Through Illustration Study. Thanks for sharing it!
ReplyDeleteJustin Case sounds adorable.....another one for my list.
ReplyDeleteI really want to read Enchanted! You're the first person I've seen that has read it (outside of journal reviews!) It looks interesting.
ReplyDeleteSo, you are now the 5th blog I've been to where I haven't read any of the books mentioned. I think it is a trend this week. My Goodreads account is busy.
ReplyDeleteHappy reading this week! :)