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This Week's Adventures
Ashfall. That's it. It was a rough week where I felt sorry for myself a lot and just vegged in front of the TV or computer. Lame.
And now we have a NEW week. And it's a four day work week. And I'm pretty much over feeling sorry for myself. Y'all shouldn't hear about it, anyway. Hooray! :]
Same goals as last week.
- One of the three Rick Riordan books I own (Throne of Fire, Lost Hero, Son of Neptune) that I have yet to read. Probably Throne of Fire because I already have The Serpeant's Shadow preordered and it will come in a month!
- Something else from my library stack or bookshelves ... we'll see! I have put myself on a bit of a
novery very few books on hold from the library because I have so many that I've purchased that still need to be read diet.

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